Wednesday, 30 September 2015

 There has been always a major drawback of Education system in India. What surprising is that our country has built IIMs, IITs, law schools, and academic institutes, yet the students in our country who score 90 % marks, find it tough to get admission in the college of their preference. Establishing new schools and colleges will not improve the standard of education in our country. Imparting education among the youth is very essential to build a better future of the country.
  • One amongst nine children completes schooling and gets enrolled in a college. In comparison to US, India has the least higher education enrolment scenario ratio of 11 % whereas US comprise of 83% higher education scenario.
  • To reach high enrolment ratio in 2012, the 11th year estimated that our country needs to put in Rs 2, 26,410 crores but, unfortunately, only 77,933 crores, which is one- fourth of the total amount, are assigned.

  • A survey illustrated that just one amongst ten students, who holds a degree in humanities, and only one amongst four engineering students, is employed in the country.
  • The drop out ratio, among the teachers, was also common in the high standard of business schools such as the IITs’ faculty. The drop out ratio was about 20-30 %.
  • A survey, conducted by the Accreditation Council and National Assessment, illustrated that 70 % universities and 90% Colleges were graded in low standards of education.
  • It was found out that Indians spend $7 billion to study abroad in universities, due to lower standards of education in India. It is surprising when the government still allows universities from abroad, to establish in India.
  • The standard of school education is extremely poor in India, especially in the north zone. On an everyday basis, there is not any teaching session in 50 % the primary schools.
  • 50% of the nation’s population is lower than 25 years. Mostly, the age group consists in between 18 to 23; it signifies that the youngsters form the main population. Unfortunately, in India, youngsters are not well equipped with skills and knowledge that could contribute in the development of India.

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